Celebrate Friendship Day with a laugh! Discover funny wishes to share with your best friend and make their day memorable.
Happy Friendship Day! Remember, if we ever get caught, I'm going to deny everything. Just kidding, let’s have fun!
To my best friend: I’d take a bullet for you, but not in the head. Happy Friendship Day!
You’re the peanut butter to my jelly, the cheese to my macaroni, and the reason I laugh at my own jokes. Happy Friendship Day!
Happy Friendship Day! You're the only person I can be my weird self with, and still be loved for it.
To my partner in crime: Let’s continue our adventures of questionable decisions! Happy Friendship Day!
Happy Friendship Day! Here’s to another year of laughing at our own jokes and keeping each other sane!
Friends like you are hard to find. Luckily, I’ve got a GPS! Happy Friendship Day!
If you ever get kidnapped, I promise to find you... unless the snacks are really good. Happy Friendship Day!
Cheers to the friend who knows all my secrets and still sticks around! Happy Friendship Day!
Happy Friendship Day! Let’s make some bad choices and blame it on our friendship!
A true friend is someone who thinks you're a good egg, even though you’re slightly cracked. Happy Friendship Day!
Happy Friendship Day! Thanks for being the reason I laugh a little louder and smile a lot more!
On this Friendship Day, I promise to always be there for you... unless I’m busy. Then I’ll be there later!
To the friend who always makes me laugh: I hope your day is as funny as your sense of humor!
Happy Friendship Day! Let’s continue to be the weirdos we are and embrace our craziness together!
You’re the reason I have trust issues… because I trust you to always make me laugh! Happy Friendship Day!
Happy Friendship Day! Let’s make a pact: if we’re not famous by next year, we’ll just blame each other!
You’re my favorite distraction, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Happy Friendship Day!
To my best friend: I would walk through fire for you. Well, not fire, that’s dangerous. But a super humid room... maybe!
Happy Friendship Day! I don’t know what’s tighter than our friendship, but I’m sure it involves sweatpants!
You’re the only person I’d share my snacks with. Happy Friendship Day!
Happy Friendship Day! If we were on a sinking ship and there was only one life jacket… I would miss you so much!
True friends are those who make you laugh until you snort! Thanks for that! Happy Friendship Day!
Happy Friendship Day! You’re like a fart – I can’t hold it in and I can’t help but laugh!
To my best friend: you’re the only one I can be completely ridiculous with, and I love you for it!
Happy Friendship Day! Let’s keep making memories that we can laugh about when we’re old and gray!